5 best kept secrets of getting through business school
1. The best way to make the other person feel you are brilliant is to make up figures in your own head and while consciously (mis)quoting famous people to corroborate your thoughts and inferences.
2. Learn to sleep with your eyes open and be sure to nod in approval when you dont undersatnd a thing.
3.Find time to sms your best friend the question you’d like to be asked after your presentation.
4. Throw out random numbers at people and end your sentences with ‘Do the math’.
5. When unprepared for a presentation and asked to make one, go to the auditorium computer and coolly ask for a minute to get your presentation in place. Switch off the LCD projector, open the presentation done by the most hardworking donkey in your class. Change the name on the first slide to your own and proceed to read from the screen, while carefully inserting your own bullshit wherever necessary. Buy the donkey a drink in the evening.
If you can’t dazzle them with your brilliance, baffle them with your bullshit!
Disclaimer - The views, beliefs and tricks mentioned above are not meant to be taken as suggestions. It is meant to be viewed as some of the stuff that I've been able to pull off while in K J Somaiya, and which you probably couldn't negotiate with your limited intelligence.
dude!! you forgot the most imp one- KISS EVERY MOTHERFUCKERS ARSE!!
although i dont do that but majority of the honoureable MBA specimens firmly believe in it
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