MBAs Bloody MBAs
A few months ago I took it upon myself to meet more non-MBAs than I usually do in ordinary weeks. It came as a surprise while going through my list of friends on Orkut when I realised that at least 90% of the folks there were either
a) Considering an MBA
b) Surviving an MBA or
c) Had already completed one
So I decided to take the initiative to meet more people from varied walks of life. So far I have successfully made friends or at least acquaintances with people from the film industry, lawyers, Air Stewards, artists, economists (though these buggers can be as bad as MBAs), a major from the Army, a gynaecologist, an entomologist, a call centre cab driver, the xerox guy from down the street and my grocer to name a few.
And it has been an experience like no other. You people are so refreshing in perspective, its like taking a vacation. I mean I have other friends who I can picture asking the waiter at a restaurant what their core competencies are. Or a lady MBA giving constructive criticism to her puppy. Or noticing the person next to me in class writing an executive summary for a love letter. My personal favourite was when a friend described marriage as a form of 'M&A'.
My world is otherwise so full of retards that I have personally seen people use the word 'paradigm' in everyday parlance with the doodh wala. Or asking the pan wala to do value addition to his business by shrewd cost cutting measures like bulk purchase of supaari. I distinctly remember my ex-roomie once saying "I want to do some more market research before having sex with my fiance."
For a good part though I guess, I'm guilty myself of indulging in this free for all freak show. Last weekend I went out on what I can best describe as a test marketing exercise. The girl sitting opoosite me however, thought it was a date.
Needless to say, it didn't end the way it was supposed to.
Truly Hilarious!
hehe! Selling your soul to the man! has to have some bearing on your "personal" life!
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