Friday, March 31, 2006

Foodie at heart and stomach

I am a food-addict and I’m sick and tired of people who otherwise don’t give a damn, monitoring my dietary habits and telling me I don’t eat right. This is too much, even for me. I mean hypocrisy is one thing but being outright shameless like this is simply unacceptable. You can’t just order a hamburger platter, a double order of fries and pitcher of kingfisher and expect me to watch you devour it with a sald in front of me just because your genetics are immune to calories. Is it really such a big crime to eat and drink what you want?

Recently a professor teaching us business ethics, always an oxymoron to me, launched herself into a monologue about the benefits of eating right, sleeping right, exercising right, and leading a simple life towards the ultimate goal of Nirvana/ Moksha / Shangri-la / Elysium / (choose your spiritual end).

When someone asked her if this was for the eventual tranquility and peace of mind and for happiness of self, she had to reply in the affirmative. My question is, how in the name of lord do YOU know if this will make ME happy? Maybe it makes you happy, but are you sure living a life of spiritual intercourse, sexual or otherwise, and measly helpings of food would make me happy? If I know myself, not indulging in my food, my music, and my precious sleep would make me nothing short of miserable. You do 5 hours of sleep and 2 hours of Pranayam, I just simply do 7 hours of sleep. You eat lettuce in salad, I eat it in hamburgers. You turn on the music before having sex, I have sex and I hear music automatically. You take out time for meditation, I take out meditation to make time. And, somehow, it all works just fine for me.

Yes, it might put me in a sorry state when I’m older, and yes I might not live to be 70. But at least when I die at the age of 50, I would look back at my life and think to myself “You might not have done so well otherwise, but you did manage to become the proverbial Chef’s dream come true”. Drunken people’s proverbs, these.

Irrespective, this post is in lieu of a new blog I would be launching in May (which is when I get my hands on a brand new Canon S2IS), dedicated towards appreciation of good food and drink. The URL is

And this brand new blog is dedicated to all those near and dear ones who kept me from that elusive piece of chocolate, and that chicken tikka and that 4th filet-o-fish burger at McDonalds. I do hope you folks succeed in your endeavors of keeping me from my 5 meals a day.


Take that!


At 11:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ur blog rocks pretence, plain simple u..brilliant !!

At 11:24 PM, Blogger RC said...

way to go your way to glory!!!

At 5:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My sentiments exactly. Will be waiting for the lonely stomach. :D


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