Monday, July 05, 2010


Lord, Give me the strength to accept what I know is wrong but to do so for a better cause

Wednesday, December 10, 2008


I've been away for the longest time and I have an almost reasonable explanation for it. In the two years that I've been away from here, I almost lost the will to speak up.

But today; today something else happened. For the longest time I have heard and read about courage, patience, strength, resolve and love. And today I saw it.

I am in awe.

Monday, December 25, 2006

Christmas Day

Today I learned that you can still play with someone you don't understand or approve of.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

MBAs Bloody MBAs

A few months ago I took it upon myself to meet more non-MBAs than I usually do in ordinary weeks. It came as a surprise while going through my list of friends on Orkut when I realised that at least 90% of the folks there were either
a) Considering an MBA
b) Surviving an MBA or
c) Had already completed one

So I decided to take the initiative to meet more people from varied walks of life. So far I have successfully made friends or at least acquaintances with people from the film industry, lawyers, Air Stewards, artists, economists (though these buggers can be as bad as MBAs), a major from the Army, a gynaecologist, an entomologist, a call centre cab driver, the xerox guy from down the street and my grocer to name a few.

And it has been an experience like no other. You people are so refreshing in perspective, its like taking a vacation. I mean I have other friends who I can picture asking the waiter at a restaurant what their core competencies are. Or a lady MBA giving constructive criticism to her puppy. Or noticing the person next to me in class writing an executive summary for a love letter. My personal favourite was when a friend described marriage as a form of 'M&A'.

My world is otherwise so full of retards that I have personally seen people use the word 'paradigm' in everyday parlance with the doodh wala. Or asking the pan wala to do value addition to his business by shrewd cost cutting measures like bulk purchase of supaari. I distinctly remember my ex-roomie once saying "I want to do some more market research before having sex with my fiance."

For a good part though I guess, I'm guilty myself of indulging in this free for all freak show. Last weekend I went out on what I can best describe as a test marketing exercise. The girl sitting opoosite me however, thought it was a date.

Needless to say, it didn't end the way it was supposed to.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Is your Spam a reflection of who you are?

Recently, I’ve learnt that some e-mail providers share such information (see previous post) with companies that could use it to tap unsuspecting blokes as customers sensing their consumption habits from the activities in their inboxes. Now what I don’t know is whether they share this information with SPAM engines because today I started noticing what some of it said and now it’s got me worried.

I'll share a few lovelies with you folks as I find myself questioning my activity on the internet

“Keith is in Bombay, Want me fix you up with him?” (Hmm, when was I on a ‘I like gay foreigners’ website last?)

“Enlarge your Boobs now, 100% satisfaction guaranteed!” (Me? Am I supposed to forward this to my skinny she-friends?)

“Lowest prices on Viagra. Up already?” (This would have been funny if they hadn't made me the subject)

“Valium that doesn’t show in Urine tests, 30% off” (No thanks I’m fine with the JD that does show in my urine)

“Gain weight now, ask me how!” (LOL, have you seen me?)


Who wants to be a Billionaire?

It’s been a while since I became interested in Google and its ilk. Companies like these are privy, and without our endorsement, to so much of our personal life that it totally freaks the guzeebles out of me.

I understand it’s a big deal in the west but here nobody gives a rat’s ass to what Google knows about them. To be fair to us, most Indians in India DO have miserable lives with nothing particularly worthwhile being shared in their inboxes. I mean how interested can Google be about someone’s conversation about two boyfriends’ ‘styles’ of doing ‘it’ being discussed. (Yes, the person did leave herself logged-in on my computer and yes she is going to repent all her life that she did. And for no fault of her own, her best friend will too)

Anyway, for a while I wondered about how Google made its money. Then a couple of years back I saw that there were sponsored results on the right side of the page every time I searched for any piece of information on the internet. Then a friend joined the company and told me they make 98% of their multi-million dollar revenue chunk out of getting people to have Google optimize searches and placing them in results. All that was fine and I admit I was rather impressed with the ingenuity of the revenue model. Until they started doing it with my inbox.

Now, when I see an email in which someone has talked about a ‘single sheet of paper’, I see the URL of ‘Mumbai Singles’ alongside it. Or if I have an e-mail talking about a certain Ann then right there beside it in bold is the link to a very questionable looking URL (hint- handcuffs and leather)

So really Google knows a lot about us. And I have an idea. I have finally found a way to be a Billionaire.

I shall join Google and systematically dispense such information to wives and girlfriends until I’m an old, rich man bearing the nickname ‘Traitor’ sipping rare scotch on the cover of Time magazine.

It’s Genius, no?

Friday, July 14, 2006

For a friend...

At first when we truly love someone, our greatest fear is that the loved one will stop loving us.What we should really fear and dread, of course, is that that WE wont stop loving them.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Modern Medicine

This one really reminds me of someone