Thursday, January 12, 2006

Urban Legend

Paraskevidekatriaphobia is the fear of todays date i.e. Friday, the 13th. The origins of the significance (or lack of it) of this date have been subjected to lots of assumptions, rumours, or plain heresy in the past but the most common one remains the legend of Jesus being crucified on 'Good Friday' and there being 13 people present at the famous last supper.

More reading on the issue reveals that the sixth day of the week and the number 13 both have foreboding reputations said to date from ancient times, and their inevitable conjunction from one to three times a year portends more misfortune than some credulous minds can bear . I have to remember a friends band which was in fact called 'Friday the 13th' and how this Korean fellow I knew back in college REFUSED to go see them play for fear of these unholy men trying to affect his better judgment and belief in the almighty. We had been smoking some pretty potent shit back then though.

Some sources say it may be the most widespread superstition in the entire world in general and the United States in particular. So much for my moms vintage billi raasta kaat gayi and doing an extra 70kms to avoid that road story. There are people out there who are in fact more paranoid than us Indians.

Some people won't go to work on Friday the 13th; some won't eat in restaurants; many wouldn't think of setting a wedding on the date. I have been refused sex on the date personally, just like most other days of the year though.

Interestingly, the time when I owned a bbc computer, back in the early 1990s, I had heard about something called a virus and how it attacked specifically on Friday the 13th. I remember having had taken the fuse out of the house's main line on friday/13 once, leaving no chance for the mofo to even harm my moms imported coffee grinder. I had actually thought, and more than one of my friends would corroborate this, that a virus was a worm that travelled physically into your machine through electricity lines and gnawed at the components of your computer and other electrical appliances.

My father hit me with a stick the next day though, when he found out he had spent an evening in the dark for no good reason. I'm still a little convinced that it is that, an organic worm, though I dont have the stamina to fight the infidels who walk this earth and dont think a virus is a living being.

Paraskevidekatriaphobics ( yes thats what they call the phobics; wonder the etymological underlay) are people afflicted with a morbid, irrational fear of Friday the 13th. I'm just glad I've managed to dodge the affliction of superstition. And if I'm here to tell you more about it later than this day, I would have successfully survived it too.

Touchwood! ;)

Happy Friday, the13th...

Monday, January 09, 2006

Darndest Things...

Seen on top of a home delivery menu in Noida

Mama's kitchen
- We serve good food right after your mother

5 best kept secrets of getting through business school

1. The best way to make the other person feel you are brilliant is to make up figures in your own head and while consciously (mis)quoting famous people to corroborate your thoughts and inferences.

2. Learn to sleep with your eyes open and be sure to nod in approval when you dont undersatnd a thing.

3.Find time to sms your best friend the question you’d like to be asked after your presentation.

4. Throw out random numbers at people and end your sentences with ‘Do the math’.

5. When unprepared for a presentation and asked to make one, go to the auditorium computer and coolly ask for a minute to get your presentation in place. Switch off the LCD projector, open the presentation done by the most hardworking donkey in your class. Change the name on the first slide to your own and proceed to read from the screen, while carefully inserting your own bullshit wherever necessary. Buy the donkey a drink in the evening.

If you can’t dazzle them with your brilliance, baffle them with your bullshit!

Disclaimer - The views, beliefs and tricks mentioned above are not meant to be taken as suggestions. It is meant to be viewed as some of the stuff that I've been able to pull off while in K J Somaiya, and which you probably couldn't negotiate with your limited intelligence.

Saturday, January 07, 2006



the funniest thing happened to me two minutes back.

I'm downloading this song from Warez (P2P downloading software)

I message the guy I got it from to say thanks for the song. But, as soon as I'm done he starts downloading it back from me. Yes, the same song.

I go like wtf are you doing dude?

He tells me "Getting my song back, you motherfucker"

HR Managers vs. Platonic friends

Now heres a situation for someone to explain to me

Theres this friend I have had since school from Shimla and im seeing him after 2 years or so. He is visiting me in suburban Mumbai and we've been quite excited about meeting up. Unfortunately he gets a phone call from a friend...

Background: This dude has always had this bachpan ki dost who he has had a huge thing for since puberty hit him.He's 24 now. He asked her out when we guys were around 16 and she gave him the regular 'I dont look at you that way' jazz. She sees him strictly as a friend.Dude backs off. Dude continues to be friends with her. But the way this person has persisted/tolerated this chick for half his life makes me feel like strangling someone. Him, her, myself... anyone.

His story is roughly the equivalent of a random guy going to a job interview and the company's HR manager saying, "You have a great resume, you have all the qualifications we are looking for, but we're not going to hire you. We will, however, use your resume as the basis of comparison for all other applicants. But, we're going to hire somebody who is far less qualified and is probably an alcoholic or a drug addict. And if he doesn't work out, we'll hire somebody else, but still not you.We would still like to maintain our interest since you have such a wonderful profile. We will hire a guy with zero intelligence or skills if we have to,and we'll make sure we run that by you. But we wont hire you. We will call you from time to time to complain about the person that we hired but we will never hire you. Never."

And the fellow keeps going back to the company to ask for a job.

Life comes full circle, only to get back to being ridiculous...

Anyway, right now hes on the phone with her in the next room. Shes telling him about how her boyfriend is an a**hole and is probably crying. He's trying to console her, while im posting this.

Forgive me O Lord for I should be feeling sad for him. I would do that; if I wasn't busy laughing my butt off!