A swift kick in the nuts

I’ve stayed away from home for 7 years now but never have I been so excited about being back. Part of it, I suspect, is because of the fact that the last couple of weeks have knocked the wind out of me. Presentations and exams and then the worrying about flunking my Strategic Management exam, a delayed flight, a 10 hour bus journey, and the fear of having had acquired the Avian Flu in Bombay, have all collectively taken their toll on my poor self. But being in my old room in Shimla has rejuvenated me like I didn’t think possible.
Now coming to the point I was going to make. Strategic management is a subject that I trust I know quite well. Why then, you may ask, do I think I’ll flunk. Well, the problem is that the professor who taught me this is, for the lack of a more apt word, a retard. He wanted us to learn by rote what Mr. C K Prahalad, Mr. Pankaj Ghemawat and Mr. Michael Porter once said about the subject. Though I have nothing against these gentlemen, I do feel its one of those subjects in which you cannot really have a theory. At best you have a reference to other people’s thoughts and some companies’ best practices. There is no single strategy that would apply to all businesses leave alone all functions and processes. All in all it has been a complete waste of my time and money. To top it all off, they are probably going to make me take the exam again.
I feel like one of Calvin’s customers who fell for the con. They’ve put me through such misery and made me pay money for it.
I did do something that made me strangely happy though.
My business school provides all faculty and students with an e-mail id which due to server constraints has a 5 MB limit. I found out his email id, and subscribed him to a few websites.
I really do hope that as we speak, he is cursing out loud while deleting gay porn from his inbox.